Interview by Bishop Garmendia August 1981
Bishop: Does the general public have doubts about the apparitions?
Conchita: The Virgin told us that before the Miracle many people will stop believing.
Bishop: So you believe in the Virgin blindly and you always refer us to what she told you. There's another subject I'd like to bring up, Conchita, and that is Holy Communion. I understand that the Virgin told you girls that if there were priests present the Angel would not give you Communion; that the Angel would only give Communion when there were no priests present. However, I understand that on the day of the Miracle of the [Visible] Communion there were some thirty priests in Garabandal. Can you clarify this?
Conchita: The Virgin never told us that the Angel would not come if there were priests in the village. It is the Angel who did not come when there were priests in the village. Only that day, the Angel came even though there were priests in the village. I can't explain why.
Bishop: So, the Virgin did not categorically tell you the Angel will give you Communion only when there are no priests in the village, did she?
Conchita: No. Because whatever the Virgin says happens just as she says it.
Bishop: As for the present Bishop of Santander, is he going to have a special sign before the Miracle? Will it be something that happens in nature or something in general?
Conchita: The Virgin said that she was going to send proof to the Bishop of Santander so that he will allow priests to go to Garabandal.
Bishop: What kind of proof?
Conchita: She didn't say. This sign of the truth of the apparitions will be something private for whomever is the Bishop of Santander at the time of the Miracle.
Bishop: So, it will be for the one who is Bishop at the time of the Miracle?
Conchita: Yes, he will receive a sign.
Bishop: So the Bishop will receive a sign and he will know that Garabandal is true. This is clear now. You know, Conchita, that we are attracted to Garabandal because we love the Virgin. We know she utilizes humble people and means like at Lourdes and Fatima and other apparitions. It has been said that the Virgin told you the Miracle will be on a Thursday. Is this true?
Conchita: Yes. The Virgin said it will be on a Thursday, and she also gave the day, month and year.
Bishop: Are you sure? Did you check it on the calendar?
Conchita: No, I didn't have to, because she told me the Thursday, the day, month and year.
Bishop: I am so glad to hear this. I had been told that you knew it was to be a Thursday, and began to guess at the dates. But the Virgin told you the exact date, the exact month and the exact year. No one need have any doubts now. If everything in life were so perfectly clear there would be no problems. I heard you were in Rome.
Conchita: Cardinal Ottaviani sent me a letter through Princess Cecilia de Bourbon-Parma and I went to Rome with my mother.
Bishop: I don't want to press you, but what happened?
Conchita: They interviewed me for two hours and told me that it would be better to keep secret all that was said. I don't remember now all the questions they asked me, but I remember it was for two hours.
Bishop: Can you tell us your impressions of Rome? I imagine a girl from Garabandal, a remote mountain village, would have a lot to say about Rome, right?
Conchita: No, not really. I went there because they called me. They asked me questions and I answered them; that was all. After seeing the Virgin I find it difficult to be impressed by Rome.
Bishop: … Are there any other relationships between Rome, the Holy Father and the Miracle that you would like to talk about?
Conchita: Yes. The Virgin told us something related to the Holy Father, and it was that before the Miracle there would be only three more Popes.
Bishop: I want this to be very clear to all who hear this tape. Conchita was very precise. The Virgin told you that before the Miracle…?
Conchita: At the time, Pope John XXIII was living. The Virgin said, "Three more Popes are left; there will be only three more Popes." She was then speaking about the end of the times.
Bishop: So the Virgin spoke to you about the end of the times?
Conchita: Yes.
Bishop: So after John XXIII came Paul VI, John Paul I and then John Paul II. So look out, the noose is tightening! It's the Virgin who is speaking.
Conchita: The Virgin was talking about the end of the times. She also spoke to us about France. I don't know if you remember but it was being said that a world war would break out in 1962. At the time everyone was afraid including me. Then the Virgin appeared and addressing our concern said: "Don't be afraid, there will not be another world war."
Bishop: So she said there would not be another world war. There have been local conflagrations, and much has been said about a coming world war. The situation is very tense, but a world war would be the end of nations.
Conchita: I don't remember any more. I would like to add, however, with reference to Rome, that some priests or people are putting too much pressure on the Church to approve Garabandal. I believe it would be better that this be left in the hands of God. Let them speak about and spread the Message of the Virgin, but leave the rest in the hands of God.
Bishop: You caution against rushing things and speculating. You prefer that all be left in the hands of God. You have complete confidence in Him.
Conchita: Yes. Before, when I was so concerned about whether Rome would believe me or not, the Lord Himself told me: "Don't worry about being believed, especially in Rome. I will do everything." I would like to tell this to all those who want the Bishop and Rome to hurry ahead in this matter.
Bishop: People are always looking for new things. I agree with you; let God and the Blessed Virgin handle it in their own way. You aren't searching for great things, you are simply living a Christian life just as the Blessed Virgin said to.
Conchita: Yes, every day, and waiting for the Miracle.
Bishop: Each day you live it.
Conchita: Yes.
Bishop: That is what the Gospels and Our Lady say; to live the Christian life every day. This is what you mean, right?
Conchita: Yes. Live every moment of the day with true faith and devotion.